Saturday, January 27, 2007

I got Tagged!

So this is what happens when you post your Blog on I got tagged by Tabitha (aka Ms. Teacher) in what can be described as blog-chain-tagging. I can't promise that I'll pass it along but I will play along and post the '5 interesting things you had no idea about me'. Party pooper? sometimes ;-)

1. I know how to belly dance. And would love to learn how to tap dance.

2. My first Machiavellian moment was when I convinced my younger siblings to cover for me when we got busted egging a house. I bribed them with the promise of a chocolate bar each (big money when you're 7), and they held tight. And had to clean egg off of brick. Hee. I did finally pay up about 6 years ago.

3. Yeah - I went to band camp too. And loved it.

4. While I've done my share of stupid stuff, the only thing I really regret is not going to Canterbury High School when I was 13. I didn't want to lose my friends, and I lost them anyway. I think I would have been much better off at the arts school, where I would have fit in a bit better.

5. I have dual citizenship - Canadian and British. YAY for the EU.

If I tag anyone, it'll be BellyDancingBabe, but I need to find her blog first. ;-)

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