Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ups and Downs in job hunting

Hm. I think the glee of not working has officially worn off. Today I'm feeling a bit messy. Kinda restless and tired all in one uncoordinated package. It sucks.

Accomplishments include working out pretty much every day this week. Disappointments include falling into "the schedule" - you know the one - where you stay up late and sleep in and never really feel rested or tired. It's an awful way to feel. On top of that, I'm not having trouble finding jobs to apply for (between Halifax / St. John's, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver, there are marketing positions worthwhile applying for), but it's the actual crafting of the letter and tweaking of the resume that I keep stalling on. I'm incredibly disappointed in myself.

And writing a blog entry, while therapeutic, is not exactly helping me find a job... *sigh*.

1 comment:

Ms.Teacher said...

Ms. Smarties tagged me, so I am passing it along! Check out my blog for info.

Hope you don't mind!
